They washed the car, it has a new look.

We were in Italy last year.

I have met my friends 2 days ago.


He has this car since 2011.

Sorry but I have not done your homework.

The girls haven't had dinner yet.

Wh have read this book.Now we are watching the film.

You look dirty. What heve you been                

Haw many times have yuo visit it London.

Haw long have yuo been lerning english.

I have been lerning english for five years.

Children have been playing compuuter games seancs morning


Haw lang have yuo now Jakc>

Homework 02.03.14
ex2 b.
We’re having.
Mum is taking.
They’re leaving.
Are you going.
I’m staying.
My brother isn’t coming.
He’s working.
I’m seeing.
ex3 b.
1. March 4
2. March 5
3. 6 days
4. May
1.  I met my (good) friend yesterday.
           A goodest                
           В better            
           С best      
2. Dorothy is (young) in her family.
           A the youngest
           В the younger
           С young
3. Henry is not (strong) his elder brother Bob.
           A so strong as
           В strong as
           С stronger
4. — It isn't very warm today, is it?
     -  No, it was (warm) yesterday.
            A more warm
            В warmer
            С the warmest
5.  Your friend looked upset yesterday. I'm glad he looks (happy) today.
            A more happy
            В happier
            С happy as
6.  Where is (near) post-office, please?
             A the nearest
             В the next
             С nearer
7. That's (good) film I've ever seen.
              A a good
              В the goodest
              С the best
8. Public transport in London is (expensive) in Europe.
              A the expensivest
              В the most expensive
              С more expensive
9.  Do you think Americans are (nice) English people?
              A nicer than
              В the nicest
              С nice than
10.  The 22nd of December is (short) day in the year.
               A the short
              В the shorter
              С the shortest
11.  This is (old) theatre in London.
             A an older
             В the oldest
             С the eldest
12.  Pluto is (cold) of all the planets.
             A the coldest
             В coldest
             С colder
13.  My (old) sister doesn't live with us.
             A older
             В elder
14.  This house is (old) of all the houses in the street.
             A as old as
            В older
            С the oldest
15.  Go to the library if you need (far) information.
             A farther
             В further
             С farer
16.  Life is (easy) it used to be.
             A so easy as
             В more easy than
             С easier than
17.  I'm getting (fat) and (fat).
              A the fattest and the fattest
              В fatter and fatter
              С fat and fat
18.  The problem was (serious) we expected.
               A seriouser than
               В more serious than
19.  Moscow is (large) city in Russia.
                A the largest
                В largest
                С larger
20.  Let's go by train. It's much (cheap).
A cheap
В cheaper
С the cheapest
21.  Is Alan (tall) than Jim?
             A taller
             В tall
             С as tall as
22.  I earn (little) money than he does.
             A littler
             В more little
             С less
23.  He has ...time than me.
             A bigger
             В much
             С more
24.  Your cottage isn't (far) I thought.
             A farther
             В so far as
             C as farther as
25.  (Old) I get, (happy) I am.
            A The oldest, the happiest
            В Older, happier
            С The older, the happier
26.  The grass is always (green) on the other side.
            A greener
            В green
27.  Dad often says that Mom is his (good) half.
            A good
            В better
            С the better

Ex. 7 a
Jenny: What do you want to be when you leave school?
Mark: I want to be a pilot.
Jenny: Really? What do you have to do for that?
Mark: You have to get good school results and you have to be good at Maths and Physics. And you have to speak English really well. What about you? What do you want to do?
Jenny: I'm not sure, but I think I'd like to be a vet.

ex. a
The verbs in first group are regular verbs and verbs in srcund group are iregular.
ex. b
Rgular verbs- called, plaied, missed, arrivied, wanted
Irregular verbs- thought, got, came, gave, bought, became, made
ex. c 
1.was 2.plaied 3.missed 4.invited 5.gave 6.was 7.wanted 8.bought 9.became 10.went 
ex. d
Did i/you/he/she/it/we/ they go.
 Yes. I you he she it we they did.
No. I you he she it we they didnt.
ex. e
Did you go out last night.?
Did you listen to music on Sunday.?
Did you eat eggs  for breakfast this morning.?
Did you watch TV last nighit.?
Did you go on holiday last year.? 
 ex. B
1.She went to her cousin`s hous in London.
2.They played bowling they did some shopping and in the evening they went to restaurant.
3.She ask to send her photos that they hed taken there.
For me are necesary b, d, e, h beacuse option b is being happy, d is being respected, e is being intelligent, his enjoying your life. I choose this options. For me being happy is very important than being famous or have lots of money. If I am happy it solves all my problms, if I am respected it means that I'm a iportant for others, if I am intelligent it means that I am respected and the finelly optian that I choose is enjoying to my life, I think, it's not  a life if you not ejoying him.